A Boutique consulting firm providing support to Health Plans and Care Management organizations ensuring compliance with NCQA and CMS regulatory requirements.

About the Talent

  • Kera Morelock, Founder & Principal Consultant

    Master’s Degree in Health Administration

    Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Social Worker

    Licensed Social Worker by MN Board of Social Work

    Certified Case Manager

    NCQA SNP Model of Care Reviewer

  • Background

    Principal Consultant and Founder, Kera Morelock has over 20 years experience in Managed Care, Care Coordination, and Case Management. Her first years were spent working as a Social Work Discharge Planner in a Transitional Care Unit completing face-to-face assessments, facilitating care conferences, and coordinating transitions back to their home environment. This is where Kera’s passion for working with vulnerable populations began, and led her to her work as a Care Coordinator for the Special Needs Populations (SNP).

    Kera believes the time she spent working as a Care Coordinator doing in-home assessments and care planning for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) members provided her the ability to gain insight into the unique needs of these vulnerable members and their caregivers. It also enabled her to see firsthand the approach needed to manage and coach vulnerable SNP members in their homes. It was this early experience that led her to become passionate about the work being done for the most vulnerable members, not only at an individual level, but how members’ needs are addressed and treated at a systemic and program level and led her to transition from direct patient care to program operations.

    As the SNP Program Manager for a large Midwest Medicare Advantage Plan, Kera was responsible for maintaining and revising the SNP Model’s of Care for the organization's existing plans (DSNP and CSNP) as well as implementation of two brand-new Institutional Special Needs Plan (I-SNP) plans into new geographical markets. This successful implementation and launch included training and delegation oversight of over 120 facility partners. She also used her expertise to develop policies and procedures to improve compliance with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulatory requirements as well as provided auditing, training, and remediation of any care coordination issues found within the health plan and for outside delegates.

    As the Manager of Healthcare Accreditation for a Specialized Care Management organization Kera responsibilities include for the design, implementation, and management of an enterprise wide, structured, 3 year Accreditation Management Plan (PHP, Case Management, and Credentialing). Interpretation of Accreditation Standards, review of policy and procedures to meet NCQA requirements as well as participation in NCQA, Health Plan, and internal Mock audits. Ensuring continuous audit preparedness, identification of opportunities for improvement and actions required were some addition key responsibilities. With the help of her efforts, the organization successfully received a new Accreditation status, and maintained Accreditation status at renewal time.

    Kera also worked for a one of the nation’s fasting growing Medicare Advantage plans as their SNP Program Director tasked with the monitoring and creation of SNP program Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the launch of new 4 new SNP Plans, and as a SNP Subject Matter Expert (SME) to assist and develop all new policies and procedures, tools, and Model of Care. She also has led the program through a successful CMS audit and Case Management Remediation.